Bach Centre-approved level 1 courses provide a solid grounding in the system. 

The course lasts two days. 
Even experienced users will benefit from the chance to take an in-depth look at the remedies and explore their use in everyday situations for self, family and friends.
We explain below the different types of Level 1 course. Certification in all cases is to the same level. Completing any of these courses qualifies you to attend any approved Level 2.
Students on Level 1 courses are eligible to apply for student registration with the Bach Centre, which can enhance your learning experience.

一階認證課程(2日)為希望了解花精療法創始人Dr. Bach巴哈醫師花精系統的學員提供了扎實的基礎知識與完整的概念。即使是有經驗的使用者也將會從中獲益。
•複方花精(rescue)與複方花精霜(rescue cream)


『Bach Centre Level 1 course 英國巴哈中心花精國際認證課程』一階2016/03/16 ~ 03/17台北

✿ 特聘導師Deki Soh來台授課。

✿ 頒發國際通用證書,由Bach Centre英國巴哈中心寄發。

✿ 遇見巴哈花精

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